The Enrollment Process
We understand that deciding upon a preschool for your child is very important, but can be a long process. The Pearson Street Preschool would like to make the process as painless as possible by describing the simple steps to enroll your child. The sooner you begin the enrollment process the more likely you will receive the schedule you want for your child as we function on a first come, first serve basis. Please keep in mind that we cap enrollment at 26 children. However, we will do the best we can to accommodate everyone!
Step 1. Visit Us! Set up a tour by calling 978-933-1398 or e-mailing our director, During your meeting with Maryellen, you will be able to tour our classroom and ask as many questions as you would like. We believe the more knowledge you have the easier your school choice will be.
Step 2. You Like Us! Download and review the application from the Forms page or pick up one during your school visit. The next step is to call our school to discuss the schedule you would like for your child. Maryellen will be able to tell you if your desired schedule is available.
Step 3. Complete The Application Please send your application to 33 Pearson Street, Andover, MA 01810. There is also a $30.00 application fee to be included with your application. Once we receive your application, we will put you into our computer system and let you know, via e-mail, your final schedule. If we come across any scheduling conflicts, we will call you to discuss available options. Please include a tuition advance of a full months tuition to reserve a space for your child. The tuition advance will be applied to your final tuition payment before your child’s kindergarten transition.
Step 4. You are all set for your child’s first day of school! We look forward to seeing you and your child on the first day of school! If you have any questions please contact the director at
If you would like more information about our school, fill out the form below and Maryellen will get back to you.