We love Dr. Seuss! And there isn't a better time to celebrate his accomplishments than on his birthday! Dr. Seuss' birthday is March 2nd and the preschoolers and teachers celebrated for an entire week! The week was filled with his silly stories, themed projects and games. Each day the children eagerly came to school in search of the Cat in the Hat's hiding spot. The children found him is some pretty funny places like high up in the family tree, down low in the recycle bin and balancing on top of our classroom snowman's top hat!
Dr. Seuss' books are such great inspiration for projects. The children read, "The Foot Book" and worked on sorting left and right feet on the science table. "The Cat in the Hat" inspired the children to make silly striped hats. They practiced their cutting skills to make the stripes as well as their patterning skills as they glued the stripes to the hat. The hats were worn during a balancing activity and, just like the Cat in the Hat, the children wore their hats while participating in the activity. The children carefully balanced a book, a fish and a bottle on a plate while walking across the classroom. The children were mightly focused yet laughed out loud when something fell to the ground!
The projects continued and the children made a "Wocket" for their pocket by first creating a pocket using yarn to thread through the sides of the fabric pocket. Later, a "Fox in Socks" was created using our fine motor skills to create an origami fox to fit inside a tiny sock. Finally, the story, "And To Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" inspired a very silly neighborhood recreation. The children made lots of funny things to add to PSP's Mulberry Street including a silly garbage truck, a few monsters and a boat because boats don't belong on the street!
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss and thank you for all of your wonderfully silly stories that light up the classroom every time they are read!